🎁Obtain NFT

The unique GameFi system allows players and platform traders have opportunity to get a unique NFT. The crystal is the NFT following the ERC-1155 standard. Players can obtain hero NFTs of different qualities according to the probability by summoning the crystal. The crystal can be traded.

Summon Hero NFTs

Summoning Crystal

Summoning Crystal is the mystery box on the Honor World platform. Players activate the crystal first and summon hero NFTs from the activated crystal. Summoning Crystal is the NFT compliant with the ERC-1155 standard; it can be exchanged in the NFT marketplace. Summoning Crystal can be crafted by Summoning Crystal Shards by a ratio of 1:10000.

Summoning Crystal Shards

Mystery Crystal Shards, short for MCS, is the NFT compliant with the ERC-1155 standard. The only way to earn shards is through LP Staking farming. To save on gas, players can activate the shards directly. Honor World offers an innovative way to trade MCS. Players can exchange MCS with any token via the integrated SushiSwap user interface.


High-quality hero NFTs are extremely rare; the supply of a specific epic or legendary NFT is limited to 1000 and 200 each, respectively.


The process of minting the hero NFT is completely random. To ensure an open and transparent NFT minting mechanism, Honor World has adopted the following measures

  1. The transaction in which the player activates the crystals will determine the random seed when those crystals are summoned. The random seed is composed of the hash of the block where the player activates the crystal plus the user's public address. seed = bytes32(uint256(hash)+uint256(addr))

  2. The seed value is recalculated when each crystal is summoned. seed = keccak256(abi.encodePacked(seed))

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